Stay Well At Westin

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Clear Stay Dates
Flexible in March - 1 Night
Rooms & Guests

1 Room , 1 Adult , 0 Children

homme regardant au loin par-dessus une clôture

Westin Keeps
You Moving

Maintaining your workout routine can be challenging when you’re traveling. We offer a host of programs to ensure you stay active while on the road.

We've Got Your Route


Westin has partnered with Strava to make it easy for you to stay active and explore your surroundings. Access our unique routes around the world and unlock more features during your stay.
Woman Stretching Arm

Keep Your Pace


With over 150 Run Concierges around the world, we encourage you to join a Run Concierge for a group run. Run Concierges provide guests with the opportunity to have a running partner as well as learn about the area while staying fit.


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Run Concierge leading two guests on ocean-side run at dusk